Efficient end-to-end global operations and supply chain management are a key competitive advantage. Once it was a relatively simple, straight-line process. In today’s web of integrated, global relationships, the Chief Operations Officer is also concerned with strategy development, product and service innovation, and even sales. Both the COO and the CSCO must now think like a CEO and plan long-term strategy and profitable growth even as they manage the day-to-day.
Our Operations and Supply Chain Practice Group is made up of members with hands-on experience recruiting the best within the sector. Senior mandates include: Chief Supply Chain Officers, Chief Procurement Officers, SVPs and VPs of Supply Chain Planning, Procurement, Manufacturing, Inventory Management, Logistics, Distribution, Transportation, Quality and Engineering.
Our Practice draws upon senior practitioners in 35 countries around the world. Members of Cornerstone International Group are owner-managers of their firms and established in their local and regional markets. They understand the importance of focused, personal attention to each specific client challenge, while benefitting from the exchange of best practices among peers.
For more information, please contact one of our Operations and Supply Chain Practice Group leaders: