Typical Clients

I have coached clients in a variety of industries at the following organizations: Unicredit Business Integrated Solutions (banking), Friesland (FMCG), Provident (financial services), Microsoft (IT & technology), MetLife (insurance), MOL Group (oil and gas), MAV Group (Hungarian government railway), Big 4 accounting firms, and international law firms. I focus on co-creating new ways of being within my clients consciousness —to shift their perspective and create whole and conscious transformations. I instigate change from within that helps leaders and individuals discover, learn, and create new sets of skills that boost productivity and well-being. As a result, my clients undergo a permanent change that becomes a part of their DNA.

Results Achieved

I helped a multinational technology company with culture change and transformation. When I started the three-year project, I was confronted with apprehension across the board about the ability to enact positive change in a company that was struggling with its culture. I helped the teams worked with discern facts from their assessments, align with the values of the organization — and transform the way they approached work.

My work with the Chief Operating Officer of this company included increasing his awareness about his needs rather than focusing on being liked by everyone. As a result, he felt empowered to speak up in the work place and take fuller ownership on projects. The company witnessed positive financial results—and his job satisfaction increased substantially.

Professional History

Having been born in India, lived in Africa and Europe, and been educated at the Newfield Network in Colorado USA, I bring a global and diverse perspective to coaching. I have worked in the service industry for over 30 years and as a legal recruiter for international law firms and multinational organizations across Central Eastern European, Russian, and Indian markets. I have over five years of experience in ontological coaching for legal, IT, FMCG, oil and gas, government, and financial services industries.


  • Graduated from the Accredited Coach Training Program at the Newfield Network in Colorado, U.S.A. (2012).
  • Accredited Professional Certified Coach, International Coaching Federation (2017).
  • Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Training Certification (2018).
  • Ambassador of Ontological Coaching in Hungary (2012 – present).
  • In-house coach to a regional law firm based in Central Eastern Europe (2013 – present).
  • Coaching multinational clients with Business Coach Ltd (2014 – present).
  • Utilizes a unique methodology to create ‘New Ways of Being’ within individuals.
  • Transformational work in the domains of body emotions and language.
  • International work experience and coaching across diverse cultures.

Coaching Approach

My fundamental method is to approach each case as unique, engendering broad cultural change and transformation with both the company and the individual. The biggest result that I have experienced over the last six years of my coaching career is that clients begin living from a place of increased self-worth. I help individuals recalibrate their focus to the present, shifting them away from self-assessments and toward results and action-oriented goals. I help clients hone in on  their well-being, dignity, and sense of self-awareness. My work is backed up by research in neuroscience and curated reading materials, which I share with my clients.

I bring harmony between body emotions and language. Our behavior can be influenced by our conditioning and beliefs, based on cultural upbringing and societal surroundings. We tend to act out of default patterns which can inhibit our ability to manifest and explore our full potential. I mirror this with my clients and help them explore possibilities to transform the way they act—and the way they view the world.