The Cornerstone HUMAN Profile Evaluation has five components. Four of the five components in the executive profile evaluation are based upon self-perception. The fifth is objective, with “right and wrong” answers.
The first three components – Style, Values and Thinking Process — reflect a person’s preferences.
The tool we use is our DISC. It is an assessment of behavioral preferences based upon personality and environment or situation. It identifies HOW an individual will likely act or react. It is a four quadrant behavior model:
- D refers to Drive or Dominance – it relates to assertiveness and control
- I refers to Influence – it relates to friendliness and communications
- S refers to Steadiness – it relates to patience and persistence
- C refers to Compliance – it relates to structure, organization and standards
Professional Values help explain the interests and motivations that influence an individual’s behavior. They describe WHY an individual acts, or reacts, as they do. Our tool identifies what is important to people, what motivates them and what influences their actions. This is also a four quadrant behavior model that deals with values found in all organizations:
- S refers to Service – it relates to interest in helping others
- T refers to Truth (or Theoretical) – it relates to interest in the theoretical, knowledge and ideas
- E refers to Earnings – it relates to all aspects of economics
- P refers to Power – it relates to having responsibility, being a leader and being accountable
Thinking Process
Thinking Process describes the way a person tends to process information, and the kinds of information or data that a person tends to seek. It also defines how they generate ideas, solve problems and communicate. The four Thinking Process dimensions evaluated by the Cornerstone Assessments model are:
- S refers to Scientific – it relates to the tendency to understand things, events and persons by analyzing data and information
- M refers to Methodical – it relates to the tendency to systematically focus on facts, the order or “logic” of specific data, or sequences of events
- E refers to Emotional – it relates to the tendency to focus on interpersonal (verbal and non-verbal) cues when determining actions and decisions; at times to consider personal feelings
- G refers to Global – it relates to the tendency to focus on events as a whole, rather than on their details or specifics; to consider the likely long-term impact of current situations or decisions
Interrelated components
The Style, Professional Values, and Thinking Process Components are interrelated. Professional Values guide both Style and Thinking Process, since the way one acts and the information one utilizes tend to jointly provide a framework for Professional Values.
On the other hand, the way we express our Style is also influenced by Thinking Process. Certain actions and the way they are performed are influenced by the kind of information or data on which they are based.
These components also consider three perspectives of a person’s profile: Off Guard, Wanted, and Perceived.
— Off Guard profiles indicate a person’s preference when they feel they can be themselves “without any disguise” or when they are under pressure.
— Wanted profiles indicate the way a person would like to present themselves to others in order to reach their personal and professional goals.
— Perceived profiles indicate the perception others may have of the person overall.
The final two components are skills; they reflect what a person can do.
Rational Intelligence
This refers to the capability or skill a person has to learn from experience, acquire new knowledge, understand new concepts, solve problems using logic and previous knowledge, think in an abstract way and understand complex ideas.
Emotional Intelligence
This refers to the capability or skill a person has to understand their own needs, feelings and emotions; others’ needs, feelings and emotions; the impact of their actions on others; and even the consequences of their emotions on their ability to reach their own goals.
Both kinds of intelligence may help a person reach their preferences and aspirations, or they may set limits to that possibility. At the same time, Style, Professional Values and Thinking Process may either contribute to, or hinder, the expression of Rational Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence.
Online platform
Our online platform is available whenever you need it. A single assessment takes 45 – 60 minutes, depending upon whether the job side is also being completed. Results are immediate.
The Cornerstone Assessment provides the trained user the ability to link the results of the five individual assessments, understand their interrelationships and develop a great deal of insight into the person being assessed.