Manuel Cubas is the founder and President of Cornerstone Perú, México, Panamá, Miami and Ecuador.
Previous Experience
He has more tan 20 years of managerial experience in global leading companies as Procter & Gamble Peru and Clorox Peru. Manuel also is past President of the Human Resources Committe of the American Chamber of Commerce and member of the Consulting Counsil of the Ministry of Labor. He has been coordinator and teacher of the People Management Master at Universidad del Pacífico in Peru.
Manuel is Past President of the Human Resources Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce and has been a Member of the Consulting Council of the Ministry of Labor. He has been coordinator of the Master in People Management and is currently professor of the People Management course in the Master of Business Administration Programme at the Universidad del Pacífico in Peru.
He is professor in the Human Resources Specialization Postgraduate Courses at the Ricardo Palma University in Lima, Peru.
Additional Professional Activities
Manuel is a facilitator in the training program Selecting Interviews per Competences, Appraisals and Internal Coaching, among others, and has interviewed hundreds of candidates in his career, following the Interview per Competences methodology. His work has enabled him to learn about various companies’ cultures in diverse sectors.
Manuel holds a Degree in Accounting and is graduated from PAD (Programa de Alta Dirección) and PED (Programa de Especialización para Directores), from Universidad de Piura. He speaks fluent in Spanish and English.