Head of Coaching and Leadership Development, Nordic in Stockholm

I have over 25 years of experience from senior and executive management positions. Throughout those years I have focused greatly on both team and individual development as well as talent management and leadership development.

I have a great interest in Leadership development.  I believe that future business development is extremely dependent on strong leadership with focus on trusting employee greatness.

I help leaders to develop their awareness of the impact that their own behaviours have and how this correlates to the business results. Leaders who understand the importance of seeing and getting the best out of their employees by growing trust and  motivation, by delegating and  communicating, and then using this understanding in their business strategies  – these leaders are strong.

I thrive on seeing organizations prosper through improved leadership.


Typical Clients

My clients vary. They include both senior leaders and entrepreneurs, who all have an understanding that great leadership, well-functioning teams and motivated employees make the difference between average and great achievements. Their issues and concerns are often the ”how” in leadership.

I work with them to both maximize personal effectiveness and find behavioural tools to enabling employee motivation, engagement and accountability.

I also work with management boards in developing team activities to support the improvement of cultural- and value-based leadership.


Results received

These are some of the results clients have experienced from the coaching:

A CEO within Health & Beauty Industry;

Early on in the coaching, I became aware of my issues and I could selectively define very clear achievement goals.  With continuous close meetings, I had to work on driving actions towards these goals and I achieved all that I set forward.  It was very good to be coached by an experienced person who helped me look at my situation from new angles.

A National Key Account Manager within Life Science;

My coach helped me obtain a much better business understanding and supported me in creating new ideas and innovative ways of personal improvement.As a result of this coaching, I managed to succeed not only in my role, but I have also been promoted in my career twice during the past two years.

A National Sales Manager within Industrial Equipment;

My coach has given me one of my greatest, job-related ”aha experiences” ever, and my personal development following my coaching experience has been astounding.



I am an ACC Certified Coach (ICF). Furthermore, I am certified Instructor/Educator in ”UL – Utvecklande Ledarskap”, the Swedish Armed Forces Leadership education based on Transformational Leadership.To support my coaching, leadership assessment and education work, I am also a certified user of a variety of assessment tools including DiSC and 360 degree feedback.


Coaching Approach

I take great interest in my clients, giving them trust, honesty, and my full attention, to support their personal development and growth. I help them gain awareness and new insights, and I support and challenge them, ensuring they take full ownership for and drive towards their identified goals.

I work with the clients from a broad perspective including needs, values, culture, attitude, behaviours, aspiration, concerns and obstacles.