I am an Executive Coach, a Team Coach and an Associate at Cornerstone Madrid in charge of developing the Talent, Leadership and Coaching Division.

Most of my clients are c-level executives of multinational companies as well as owners of medium size companies. With all of them I have worked in their skills development and in the improvement of their abilities to achieve better business results.

I work also with private clients who need to solve problems, make difficult decisions or develop new future options in their personal and professional lives.

I am a Team Coach at Board Members Committees, at divisions of companies that are in a merging process, or have the target to develop the integrity of the members of its team, to promote the company values, improve productivity or to align vision and objectives.


I coached a General Manager who had to adapt his culture to that of the country where he was destined. The challenge was to change his point of view, understand the new culture and to develop new ways of working as well as strengthen best values of each person in a collaborative way.

I have accompanied individually the members of a Board Director Committee of an IT multinational which was acquired by another company.  The goal was to enable each person to maintain continuity in the function after the merger had taken place and to reinforce the confidence, security and empowerment of Managers.

A common denominator for male managers is to focus on development of team skills, recognition and communication. With female managers, the main wish is to develop and reach assertiveness and a balanced personal and professional life.


I have 26 years of professional experience in the area of Human Resources, specialized in assessments, talent identification, leadership and people development.

For most of them I worked for Grupo Eulen (a multinational company with 80,000 people and 7 business divisions, providing outsourcing and facility services) where I became Corporate Recruitment and People Management Director. During this time I was also in charge of diversity and of implementing the Corporate Social Responsibility, defining the strategic action plans. I have also led diversity projects implementing CSR.

My work as Senior Consultant at a headhunting company allowed me to have a global vision of the business, the companies and the functional areas as well as to get to know the different culture styles and values.


  • ICF Accredited Coach Training Program trained coach. PCC credentialed.
  • Certified Team Coach. ICF Continuing Coach Education by Lider-haz-go and Isavia schools.
  • Member of the Ethic Committee of ICF España.
  • Life Coach and Team Coach of the CIVSEM (Centro de investigación de Valores).
  • Founding Member of the People Evaluation Team of the Psychology School in Madrid
  • Degree in Psychology at Universidad Autonoma of Madrid.
  • Master in Personal Management
  • Master in Human Resources at ESIC
  • Strategic People Development Program – 2006 – ESADE
  • Woman and Leadership – ALITER
  • Member of the speaker commission for the Professional Coaching conferences at ICF Spain.



My academic studies of Ontological Coaching has allowed me to develop personal attitudes in people, always working from the emotion, language, thinking and body dimensions.