Day, Ian
My clients are talented executives faced with the opportunity of moving from managerial behaviour to that of Leadership – irrespective of the role they currently hold. Generally they have responded to the need to commit to challenging actions and have exhibited the energy borne of new found purpose. From time to time this has not…
Steeper, Clive
Clive has over 30 years of experience as a business leader which clients find invaluable, whether they engage him as a coach, consultant, facilitator or executive recruiter. He is based in the UK and works globally. Most of Clive’s clients are senior level executives and business owners who are looking for world class support, as…
Clancy, Mike
Mike is an experienced Board level recruiter with a specialism in Chair and Non-executive Director roles. His client base is principally UK based, mid-market companies typically privately owned, either family or private equity ownership, although he has also recruited for UK public listed companies (Plcs). Mike is a panellist and contributor to the Financial Times…
Denny, Dave
Dave moved into executive recruitment in 1988 when he joined Ward Executive on its inception, becoming MD 10 years later. As a recruiter, he has always been a generalist and has handled a very broad range of projects in a wide variety of sectors. He has worked extensively in technology-based businesses, including blue chips such…
Ashton, Mark
Mark is a well-respected business leader, developer, advisor, entrepreneur and turnaround specialist with a passion for creating, growing or restoring great businesses that continually outstrip customers’ expectations and thereby produce outstanding long-term shareholder value. He is known for his honesty, unflinching ethics, energetic and inspiring style, creative and strategic thinking, problem-solving and networking capabilities. He…
Steeper, Clive
Clive has over 30 years of experience as a business leader which clients find invaluable, whether they engage him as a coach, consultant, facilitator or executive recruiter. He is based in the UK and works globally. Most of Clive’s clients are senior level executives and business owners who are looking for world class support, as…
Green, Mike
Mike is a seasoned HR Professional focussed on business results achieved through people in a range of businesses from a Privately Owned and Managed Business, to an M.B.O., a Multi Site Manufacturing Operation, and a US owned Multi National Business. With experience in the UK, Europe, Middle East and India providing support and being responsible…
Parry, Colin
Colin Parry, O.B.E. JP. is a leading figure in the movement for World Peace. In 1993, his 12-year-old son Tim was killed by an explosion set by the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and Colin and his wife Wendy have worked tirelessly since to build a UK charity called the Peace Centre. Colin has been a…
Morris, Anita
Anita regularly coaches, trains and mentors senior executives in organisations across all sectors both nationally and internationally. Specialising in leadership development, executive coaching, emotional intelligence and psychometric assessment, she has been pivotal to performance improvement of many individuals, teams and organisations. Anita frequently works with senior managers in outplacement and career development. In addition to…
Mills, Justin
Justin started his career managing the IT recruitment needs of major brands and high technology accounts and growing one the most successful internet service providers of the time during the early 2000’s tech boom. Having undergone professional study with the CIPD and the British Institute of Psychology he moved into retained Executive Search and Selection…
Spindler, Stuart
Stuart has an extensive career in executive resourcing spanning a total of twenty-five years. In the field of executive resourcing for B2B services organisations, he is a highly respected, authoritative figure, well known for a very professional yet user-friendly approach to business. Stuart’s recruiting career has focused on assisting multi-site support services companies with key…
Kneale, Alan
Alan’s experience is wide ranging and includes Executive Search across many industries and HR Consulting, with assignments in Europe and the Middle East. As a niche player in retained Executive Search in 1996, he moved into Executive Search with a major UK practice before establishing the Auxilium Group. In recent years, Auxilium has established an…
Cornerstone Liverpool
Cornerstone Liverpool is the founding office within the Auxilium-Cornerstone group, which represents Cornerstone International Group in three UK locations. Established in 1996, the company has successfully recruited in both UK, Europe and the Middle East for a diverse range of clients. Auxilium-Cornerstone has significant experience of working with US corporations who want to start up…
Day, Ian
Ian has over 23 years’ experience in executive search and has been a Director of Cornerstone (UK) since 1994. For Ian, success means simply: ‘recruiting candidates who exceed expectations and therefore add more value’. Many functional leaders recruited have progressed to general management, including a managing director who recently completed 10 years, having led a…
Cornerstone London
Cornerstone London is a long-established, owner-managed Board & Executive Search practice delivering business-critical results through commitment to the mastery of sourcing, assessment and client engagement. Client demand has extended our activity into the provision of Interim Executives and to Executive Coaching. Established nearly 25 years ago, our work is founded on active listening – to…
McLaughlin, Neil
Neil’s principal recruitment activity is focused on appointments at Board and senior executive level – across all functions and industries, and including public sector and not-for-profit organisations. He has continued to practise as an executive and performance coach and is also is currently Managing Partner of Kavelle Executive Coaching, a specialist coaching firm. Previous Experience…